bypass - definitie. Wat is bypass
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Wat (wie) is bypass - definitie

Bypassing; Bypasses; System bypass; By-pass; Bypass (disambiguation); Bypassed; By pass; By-passes; By passes; By-passed; By passed; By-passing; By passing

n. a coronary bypass
(bypasses, bypassing, bypassed)
If you bypass someone or something that you would normally have to get involved with, you ignore them, often because you want to achieve something more quickly.
A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether...
Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed.
= sidestep
VERB: V n, V n
A bypass is a surgical operation performed on or near the heart, in which the flow of blood is redirected so that it does not flow through a part of the heart which is diseased or blocked.
...heart bypass surgery.
N-COUNT: oft N n
If a surgeon bypasses a diseased artery or other part of the body, he or she performs an operation so that blood or other bodily fluids do not flow through it.
Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.
A bypass is a main road which takes traffic around the edge of a town rather than through its centre.
A new bypass around the city is being built.
...the Hereford bypass.
N-COUNT: oft in names after n
If a road bypasses a place, it goes around it rather than through it. for new roads to bypass cities.
If you bypass a place when you are travelling, you avoid going through it.
The rebel forces simply bypassed Zwedru on their way further south.
¦ noun
1. a road passing round a town to provide an alternative route for through traffic.
2. a secondary channel, pipe, or connection to allow a flow when the main one is closed or blocked.
3. a surgical operation to make an alternative passage to aid the circulation of blood.
¦ verb go past or round.
?provide (a town) with a bypass.



Bypass may refer to:

  • Bypass (road), a road that avoids a built-up area (not to be confused with passing lane)
  • Flood bypass of a river
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor bypass
1. bypass that.
Brewed Awakening _ Joshua Bernstein _ Talks at Google
2. It will never bypass.
The Search for Truth, and The Future of Knowledge _ Bernard-Henri Lévy _ Talks at Google
3. Let's bypass the gatekeepers.
The Middleman Economy _ Marina Krakovsky _ Talks at Google
4. and bypass the mainframe?
Robot _ Christian Slater & Sam Esmail _ Talks at Google
5. You can't bypass it.
Jessica Zweig _ Be - A No-Bullsh_t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth & Net Worth _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor bypass
1. Dorset bypass Status of threat Planning application published.
2. "Jafza has never been an instrument to bypass customs law.
3. Known as bariatric surgery or gastric bypass, the standard operations reduce the size of the stomach and bypass part of the intestine.
4. They cannot be determined by leaders who bypass the public.
5. They also avoid the need for heart bypass operations.